Settlers of Kalguur Guide to Shipping and Kingsmarch [See New Guide]

Settlers of Kalguur Guide to Shipping and Kingsmarch

Please note that this guide is now obsolete and the new guide with a video is posted since it was patched... here: Settlers of Kalguur Shipping Spreadsheet [Cheatsheet] UPDATED with Crop Affinities!

This guide has all the basic information you need for Shipping and Kingsmarch in the 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League.

If you want the spreadsheet in full view, check it out at my previous post: Settlers of Kalguur Shipping Spreadsheet [Cheatsheet]

Shipping and Kingsmarch Guide

Ore and Bars:
Ore types are used to upgrade parts of the town, so keep some ore for your town upgrades.
1 Ore smelts into 1 Bar so, for shipping, it is efficient to have bars ready from your smelters, so that you can use bars instead of ore.
Remember, 1 Bar = 5 Ore, so keep your calculator ready.

Port Favour
Offer up only what the port asks of you and you can add some dust to that... and maybe some extra varieties of crops.
Keep sending only what the port wants and you will increase the favour and quantity of rewards from that port until it is capped. (100% shown in green numbers).

Risk Meter
It is best to not add any risk by adding other unwanted resource whilst you are still capping out the port's favour. Upgrading the Shipping at Tujen, and hiring higher Tier crew members, will decrease the risk of unforeseen encounters. If you feel you want to gamble and add risk later on, that's alright because the higher the risk, the higher the reward. Adding risk, on the other hand, can invite the Pirate Boss fight where you can duel for a League exclusive drop, beware though, it is a 1 portal fight.

You can add Thaumaturgic dust to multiply the quantity of the requested goods' rewards.
The amount of dust you add should be 1 of the 3 breakpoints, 55, 550 or 8104, without adding red to the risk meter. I usually just go with 550.

Gear and Weapons Rewards
Item level of rewards are according to your character level, so if you are targeting uniques and crafting bases, make sure that you are at or above the proper iLevel requirement for said items.

Disenchanting for Thaumaturgic Dust at Rog
At first you might have just thrown in any of the unwanted gear and weapon from the shipping rewards because Tujen is nearby but it becomes like a stash tab that fills up quickly. Instead, throw in all your rare rings and amulets. It takes up 1 slot and the total Thaumaturgic Dust gained will be immensely greater than gear and weapons. Rings and amulets with higher tier mods also contribute to the dust amount. It is important to note that iLevel affects the amount of dust, so i86+ are the best. Tier 0 Uniques are also the highest dust but I don't know anyone who would disenchant a Tier 0 Unique. Either way, keep producing dust as this is needed to upgrade your town and multiply your shipment rewards.

There's also the whole explanation of discoveries in this video posted by ZiggyD titled: "PATH of EXILE: SHIPPING REWARDS - Tested, Solved & Explained - Settlers of Kalguur Mechanics Guide"
